Appeal Court Chairman: "Relatives make pressures"

16:59 25/12/2007


Hovanes Manukyan, the chairman of Appeal Court,
started his last meeting with the reporters with an
expression `dear colleagues.’ In the words of the
chairman, judicial reporters are aware almost all
happenings in the sector and that’s why he calls them

Summing up whatever has been done in the course of the
year, the chairman mentioned that a lot has been done
in the judicial system – court buildings are
reconstruction, an attempt is made to set up a court
department, court financing has been improved. In
fact, the chairman of the appeal court considers that
in terms of organizational and technical service, the
judicial system is at a high level. He said the only
problem they could not settle is the salary of judges.
The responsible persons of the sector believe this is
not the most important step but is the most important
precondition to reduce corruption. In the words of
Hovanes Manukyan, without that all other actions will
be not effective, although he believes it may be
possible to tackle this issue as well in the near

`The independence of judges is not in a satisfactory
state,’ the chairman of the appeal court reported,
also saying: `We cannot reach to the level that the
judicial system of void of any pressure. It is not
only official pressure. Most only those are pressures
from relatives and friends. If we can settle that, we
may say we have a great achievement.’

The chairman of the appeal court wished good luck and
new achievements on the Christmas Day.
