BAKU: Azerbaijan Cannot Deny Obligation Assumed before CoE

Trend News Agency, Azerbaijan
Dec 28 2007

Azerbaijan Cannot Deny Obligation Assumed before Council of Europe –
Azerbaijani Delegation Head to PACE
28.12.07 18:48

Azerbaijan, Baku / Òrend corr. I.Alizadeh / Azerbaijan cannot deny
the obligation on peaceful settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani
conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh assumed before the Council of Europe.

`NGOs and political parties may have their own position on different
issues and have right to demonstrate them. However, such an action
does not mean that the country may deny its obligation taken before
international organizations,’ Samad Seyyidov, the head of the
Azerbaijani Parliamentary Delegation to PACE, reported to the Trend
agency on 28 December. Around twenty political parties of Azerbaijan
signed an appeal which means refusal from the obligation taken on
peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict before
international organizations.

According to Seyyidov, peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict potential has not been exhausted. Azerbaijan and Armenia
assumed an obligation on peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict before the Council of Europe.

A member of the Azerbaijani delegation to the PACE and MP Aydin
Mirzazadeh said that the possible deny of obligation may lead
Azerbaijan face to face with international community. The country
will isolate itself from PACE. Furthermore, Armenians may start new
statements against Azerbaijan. Therefore, Azerbaijan would not deny
its obligation before international organizations.