Significant achievements of Prosperous Armenia

19:09 27/12/2007


`The greatest achievement of ours is that we managed
to send our wrestlers to Baku and there they raised
our flag by their victory. This victory was more than
any other Olympic medal,’ said Gagik Carukyan, the
leader of Prosperous Armenia party and added that
another achievement is becoming second political power
in the political field. `We have good team and we
gained people’s trust and belief. Carukyan did it not
for position or money, but I live in this country, I
love my nation and I want everything to be right. One
swallow does not make a summer,’ said Carukyan.

It is possible that Hovik Abrahamyan or Ervand
Zakharyanc become Prime Minister after Serzh Sargsyan
is elected. Who will the Prosperous Armenia support
and nominate? Carulyan answered that first the
elections should be carried out and after they will
discuss the possible candidate `who is able to carry
such hard work and gain people’s trust’.
To the question why Carukyan did not apply for the
presidential candidature when having such successes,
he answered `Everybody does not have moral rights to
become a president’.

Carukyan expressed his thoughts about Khachatur
Sukiasyan and said that they are friends but business
is business. He said that they are not partners, and
it is possible that Sukiasyan manages to help people
Carukyan said that he is not satisfied with those
gossips and abuses sound by the oppositional
representatives. He said that everybody can do harm
and abuse, but it is more difficult to conduct
positive and good jobs.
