21 Preelection Headquarters Of Candidate For Presidency Vazgen Manuk


Noyan Tapan
Jan 10, 2008

YEREVAN, JANUARY 10, NOYAN TAPAN. 21 preelection headquarters of Vazgen
Manukian, the leader of the National Democratic Union, a candidate
for presidency in the forthcoming presidential elections in RA, have
been already opened. Saying this at the January 10 press conference,
Samvel Shahinian, the head of the central preelection headquarters
of V. Manukian, added that they have a goal to increase the number of
regional headquarters, to have at least one in each electoral district.

According to him, preelection activities in NDU slow down and mainly
due to lack of funds. S. Shahinian said that a number of businessmen
support their candidate, however, they have an apprehension whether
the relations of the authorities with them will not worsen.

S. Shahinian said that V. Manukian will not be able to visit all
populated areas of the country during the official election campaign,
because "it is winter, the roads are closed, renting a hall is
connected with huge expenditures." Instead, according to him, for
informing society about the preelection programs of NDU leader they
will use television and all other possible media.