Bryza: Armenia right to urge Turkey to drop preconditions


Bryza: Armenia right to urge Turkey to drop
15.01.2008 15:55 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The U.S. policy in the Black Sea
region is targeted at formation of geopolitical
cooperation center in various fields, including
economy, energy and regional security, U.S. Deputy
Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Bryza said at
Wider Black Sea: Perspectives for International and
Regional Security international conference.

`The U.S. tries to find common interests between
Russia and Turkey and all other states of the Black
Sea basin including South Caucasus. One of the most
important tasks is establishment of diplomatic
relations between Armenia and Turkey and opening of
the border. This can be a partial opening,
encouragement of economic ties and joint economic
projects,’ he said.

`The U.S. calls Turkey to normalize relations with
Armenia without participation of a third country,
Azerbaijan, and to drop preconditions. A slogan `One
nation, two states’ reigning in Turkey and Azerbaijan
should be changed,’ he said and added, `Armenia is
right to urge Turkey to abandon setting preconditions
but it should also recognize the borders of modern