High Time To Speculate How To Save Armenia

A1 Plus | 18:59:43 | 24-09-2004 | Politics |


Participants of the discussion held Friday by the National Citizen’s
Initiative compared current situation in Armenia with that of short period
of Armenia’s independence from 1918 to 1920. Political analyst Artsrun
Pepanyan said the then situation was even worse than one can imagine.

He said quoting one of the then governors “we had neither state mentality
nor state world vision”.

Lawyer Hrayr Tovmassyan joined him in criticizing the first republic by
saying election fraud and scandals of that time overdid today’s ones.

In his words, Dashnak party activists were forcing people to go to polling
stations by threatening them with guns.

These facts were remembered at the discussion to show on what legacy our
present republic is built. Thirteen years have already passed since
declaration of independence in 1991, but so far a majority of Declaration
provisions is not put into reality.

In Pepanyan’s opinion, very few intellectuals remain in Armenia today.

After his speech the event participants came to sad realization that Armenia
is badly in need of being saved. Time has come to speculate over the matter
to save the republic, they said.