Barack Obama Calls For Passage Of Armenian Genocide Resolution

21.01.2008 11:03

Presidential candidate Barack Obama shared with the Armenian
National Committee of America a strongly worded statement calling for
Congressional passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.106
& S.Res.106), and pledging that, as president, he will recognize the
Armenian Genocide.

In his statement, the Presidential hopeful reaffirmed his support for a
strong "US-Armenian relationship that advances our common security and
strengthens Armenian democracy." He also pledged to "promote Armenian
security by seeking an end to the Turkish and Azerbaijani blockades,
and by working for a lasting and durable settlement of the Nagorno
Karabakh conflict that is agreeable to all parties, and based upon
America’s founding commitment to the principles of democracy and
self determination."

"Armenian American voters welcome Senator Obama’s powerful call
for real change in how our government addresses the core moral and
foreign policy issues that hold such great meaning for our community,"
said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. "After decades of White
House complicity in Turkey’s efforts to block American recognition
of the Armenian Genocide, most recently in the form of President
Bush’s personal efforts this past October to delay the Armenian
Genocide Resolution, the time has clearly come for a President who
will personally lead – not obstruct – the commemoration of this crime
against all humanity."

As a Senator, Barack Obama has spoken in support of US affirmation of
the Armenian Genocide and cosigned a letter urging President Bush to
properly recognize the Armenian Genocide. He has forcefully called
for the adoption of the Armenian Genocide Resolution, but has yet
to formally cosponsor this legislation. While visiting Azerbaijan
in August 2005, Senator Obama was asked by reporters why he cosigned
the letter to President Bush. Obama defended his decision by stating
the genocide was a historical fact. The Illinois Senator publicly
criticized the firing of former US Ambassador to Armenia John Evans,
who was dismissed for speaking truthfully about the Armenian Genocide.

In recent weeks, the ANCA has invited each of the candidates to
share their views on Armenian Americans issues, and to comment
on both the growing relationship between the U.S. and Armenian
governments and the enduring bonds between the American and Armenian
peoples. Questionnaires sent to the candidates have invited them
to respond to a set of 19 questions, including those addressing:
affirmation of the Armenian Genocide, U.S.-Armenia economic, political,
and military relations, self-determination for Nagorno Karabakh,
the Turkish and Azerbaijani blockades, and the genocide in Darfur.

Armenian Americans, in key primary states and throughout the country,
represent a motivated and highly networked constituency of more than
one and a half million citizens. The ANCA mobilizes Armenian American
voters through a network of over 50 chapters and a diverse array of
affiliates, civic advocates, and supporters nationwide. ANCA mailings
reach over a quarter of a million homes, and, through the internet,
updates and action alerts reach well over 100,000 households. The ANCA
website, which features election coverage from an Armenian American
point of view, attracts over 100,000 unique visits a month. The ANCA
also has broad reach to Armenian American voters via a sophisticated
media operation of newspapers, regional cable shows, satellite TV,
blogs, and internet news sites.