CIS Observers Will Work Independently And Objectively

22.01.2008 15:46

The President of the Central Electoral Commission of Armenia Garegin
Azaryan received the Head of the Office of the CIS Observation
Mission Vladimir Garkun. Following the meeting Mr. Garkun responded
to journalists’ questions.

The Office of the CIS Observation Mission started the activity today.
According to Vladimir Garkun, 150-170 of the observers are from CIS
countries, from the Interparliamentary Assembly, the Parliaments of
Russia and Belarus, as well as from Central Electoral Commissions of
different countries.

The five long-term observers will start the work today. Another 17
observers will join them in the future.

"We want to organize our work so that to be able to attend different
polling stations, electoral commissions," Mr. Garkun said.

The work of the Office of the CIS Observation Mission is now focused
on the process of conducting monitoring in the pre-election period in
order to find out how the election campaign proceeds. Vladimir Garkun
informed also that they ill try to meet with heads of headquarters
of the presidential contenders.

"We have come here upon the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Armenia and we shall realize our work independently and
objectively guided by the evaluations of our observers," Vladimir
Garkun added. The mission ill come up with a final report after summing
up the results of the work of both short-term and long-term observers.

"After completing our work we shall hold a final sitting, and will
come forth with one or two interim reports during this month,"
MR. Garkun informed.