"Heritage" Has Oriented


22 January, 2008

The campaign has already begun, but the "Heritage" party has not
decided which candidate it will support.

"We have decided that we will not support the functioning
authorities. This is our orientation. We are for the model of election
which will not reproduce itself. The election should take place. Our
nation should believe that it can change the authorities, the current
administration by its vote. That is why, we have told all the powers,
that we have negotiated with, that it is difficult to win separately",
mentioned Deputy of the "Heritage" faction Anahit Bakhshyan. .

In fact, the "Heritage" party has met Levon Ter-Petrosyan, Vazgen
Manukyan, Arthur Baghdasaryan, Vahan Hovhannisyan and called them to
unite. "We will see which powers unite and will support that union".

Will the "Heritage" support the ARF candidate? Anahit Bakhshyan
responded: "Maybe, only if he joins another power".

Assessing the present political atmosphere in the Republic, the
NA Deputy noted that unequal conditions were established for all
presidential candidates. "The atmosphere is tensed, you feel distrust,
intolerance, which hinders an ordinary citizen to orientate", she said.