Prime Minister Solved Problems On The Spot


24-01-2008 12:40:54

On January 22 Prime Minister Ara Harutiunyan visited the villages
of Verin Horatagh, Harutiunagomer and Vaghuhas of the region of
Martakert. All the three villages had been occupied during the war and
destroyed by the Azerbaijani troops, the population had been displaced.

After liberation reconstruction was launched. During the visit
it became known that the most urgent problem remains housing, the
department of information and public relations of the government

Ara Harutiunyan stated that the government will build houses for
the families of killed soldiers, then the disabled of war and
underprivileged families. Others will also get assistance from the
government, the prime minister said. The government is likely to
provide long-term interest-free loans to families to reconstruct their
houses. This proposal was approved by the people of the communities.

The population of the three villages has grown despite housing
problems. In addition, there is no water supply in any of the
villages. In Verin Horatagh, for instance, people carry water from a
source which is outside the village. The prime minister promised to
help solve the problem of water.

It also became known that in the villages of Martakert people do not
work the land because of the shortage of machines. Another reason is
that most men of the village work for the copper factory of the Base
Metals and get a high salary and do not need to work the land.

The prime minister said this year the government is likely to provide
considerable assistance to farmers, including financial support,
fertilizers, extension. During the visit the prime minister solved
several problems on the spot, namely leasing of agricultural machines
for mechanization, the construction of the new school building in
Baghuhas and transmission of the Armenian and Russian TV channels.