Schiff, Garcetti Speak at ANCA Obama Endorsement Press Conference

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 775-1918
Fax. (202) 775-5648
[email protected]

January 31, 2008

Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


"Today, we endorse an individual, a senator, a leader – a purveyor of
hope – who can change the tone, tenor, and policies in Washington,
DC. We, as an organization, believe that Barack Obama is the
individual to get this job done." – ANCA National Board Member
Raffi Hamparian

Glendale, CA – Some fifty reporters and community leaders gathered
at the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Western Region
headquarters yesterday for a press conference announcing the ANCA
endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama in the Democratic Presidential

Speakers at the press conference included Obama supporters, Rep.
Adam Schiff (D-CA, 29th district), Los Angeles City Council
President Eric Garcetti, ANCA National Board member Raffi Hamparian
and Armenians for Obama Chairwoman Nora Hovsepian. Each outlined
Sen. Obama’s proven record and commitment to bringing about
meaningful change in U.S. governance and commitment to Armenian
American concerns.

"Today, we endorse an individual, a senator, a leader – a purveyor of
hope – who can change the tone, tenor, and policies in Washington,
DC. We, as an organization, believe that Barack Obama is the
individual to get this job done," explained ANCA National Board
Member Raffi Hamparian. Hovsepian concurred noting that, "Barack
Obama, on the key issues of importance to our community, has
adopted very favorable positions. Whether it is recognition of the
Armenian Genocide, aid to Armenia, or self-determination and
independence for Karabagh, on all of these issues, Barack Obama is
with us."

Hamparian and Hovsepian went on to cite Sen. Obama’s strong
statement on U.S.-Armenia relations, issued on January 19th, where
he outlined his strong support for the passage of the Armenian
Genocide Resolution currently before Congress and his commitment to
promoting Armenia’s security "by seeking an end to the Turkish and
Azerbaijani blockades."

House Armenian Genocide Resolution lead sponsor, Rep. Adam Schiff
(D-CA), noting that successive U.S. presidents have reneged on
campaign pledges to properly characterize the Armenian Genocide,
stated "I think we have in Senator Obama a person of impeccable
principle. I am confident that the commitments he makes are the
commitments he keeps." In his January 19th statement, Sen. Obama
had stated, "As a senator, I strongly support passage of the
Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.106 and S.Res.106), and as
President I will recognize the Armenian Genocide."

Councilman Garcetti echoed these sentiments, noting that, "His
[Sen. Obama’s] principles are not just ones that he trots out when
it’s convenient. It’s very easy for someone to say pro-Armenian
things in front of an Armenian group, but he [Obama] went to
Azerbaijan, where, in Azerbaijan, he said that it was time to end
the blockades; and there he also said it was time for Turks to
recognize the Genocide. It speaks volumes about the sort of leader
he will be, the sort of diplomat he will be, and the sort of
president he will be."

The complete press conference will be available on the ANCA
Website and YouTube.

In addition to Rep. Schiff and Councilman Garcetti, Sen. Obama has
support from a broad range of Congressional Democrats including
Senate Armenian Genocide resolution lead sponsor, Deputy Majority
Leader Dick Durbin (IL) as well as Senators Kent Conrad (ND), Tim
Johnson (SD), Edward Kennedy (MA), John Kerry (MA), Patrick Leahy
(VT), Claire McCaskill (MO), and Ben Nelson (NE); as well as
Representatives Neil Abercrombie (HI), Xavier Becerra (CA), G.K.
Butterfield (NC), William Lacy Clay (MO), John Conyers (MI), Jim
Cooper (TN), Jerry Costello (IL), Artur Davis (AL), Danny Davis
(IL), Keith Ellison (MN), Del. Eni Faleomavaega (AS), Chaka Fattah
(PA), Al Green (TX), Luis Gutierrez (IL), Phil Hare (IL), Paul
Hodes (NH), Jesse Jackson Jr. (IL), Patrick Kennedy (RI), Barbara
Lee (CA), Dave Loebsack (IA) , Zoe Lofgren (CA), Betty McCollum
(MN), George Miller (CA), Gwen Moore (WI), Patrick Murphy (PA), Ed
Perlmutter (CO), Steven Rothman (NJ), Bobby Rush (IL) , Linda
Sánchez (CA), Jan Schakowsky (IL), Bobby Scott (VA), Bennie
Thompson (MS), Peter Welch (VT), and Albert Wynn (MD).

Sen. Obama’s complete statement on U.S.-Armenia relations is
available on the official campaign website at:

The Armenians for Obama site — — will
be up shortly. In the interim, individuals interested in
volunteering or receiving more information, can email
[email protected].

For complete information regarding the ANCA endorsement of Sen.
Obama in the Democratic primary, visit:

