Go Round Merrily Cause The Ballot Box Is Full


Feb 12 2008

Every Armenian who has at least a full secondary education and half a
higher education in political science or half a secondary education
and a full civil consciousness asks himself once in five years and
several times to others: "How will all this end up?" In an apolitical
party a few days ago I was asked a similar question. Perhaps it was
my fault because I voluntarily did not utter a word during the talk
about the political situation at home, and as a result produced the
impression of a well-aware person. It was also my fault that I did
not ask the first "how will all this end up?", and like in football,
if you do not score, they will score. And once you have produced the
impression of a well-aware person, it is pointless to make another
mistake and try to deny this impression. Therefore I tried to answer.

In fact, how will all this end? All this is the Armenian presidential
process which has been underway for several months. My answer was
short: "This time there will be no end." Or rather we will understand
at least this time that there is no end. The presidential election
2008 will be an endless process, and all the following events, be it
early or scheduled elections, referendums, revolutions, economic booms
or crises, will be the organic continuation, the second, the third,
the fourth, the fifth, the fifteenths rounds of the election, like the
year 2008 is the one thousandth, or two thousandth, or three thousand
four hundredth round of our history. And these rounds will continue
until the simple truth is understood that one cannot live waiting for
the end. It is impossible to live if most of all you want to know what
in the end will be. The end does not require responsibility, moreover,
the end frees from responsibility, you know and it is finished, and you
only wait. Meanwhile, if you are interested in the beginning, you have
to think what to do because the beginning presupposes continuation,
existence in this continuation and therefore action.

It seems that hard life has made Armenians think about the end,
and the Armenian Christian asks "how all this will end up", which
is in fact an anti-Christian question, out of despair, and hope
for consolation. It may be caused by hard life, in fact. However,
it is also possible that hard life is the consequence that everyone
is interested in the end, the end which requires no effort, as if
life is granted to wait for the end, to count the days. And once in
four or five years this calculation leads to a summary, again unable
to find out "how all this will end up". And how can they find out if
there is going to be no end, has never been and will never be?

And the candidates, the political thought will win the election, which
will be guided by this presumption, which may sound funny and silly
at first sight. And in reality this very idea wins in the elections of
all the countries, and the thought loses which perceives the notion of
election as a phenomenon to take place in a certain period of time,
as an event scheduled on September 22, May 12 or February 19. Life
cannot be divided into sectors. It should be lived at full. It is
necessary to be ready for life, for living. If you are not ready for
living and for life, it is impossible to be ready for a sector of life,
it is an illusion, self-deception.