While waiting for Serge Sargsyan


[02:40 pm] 16 February, 2008

more images 48-year-old Abovyan citizen David
Asatryan has been impatiently waiting for this day for
the last three weeks. Today the RA presidential
candidate, the Leader of the `Republican Party of
Armenia’ Serge Sargsyan will visit Abovyan. David
wants to hand over his letter to the candidiate.

`I have three children and we live on 24 000 drams
allowance. In my letter I ask the Prime Minister to
return my deposit or to give me a trade center for
rent. I will work and pay taxes properly. I do not
want money, I am not a beggar, I just need a job’,
said David to `A1+’. The residents of the first and
the third hostels, belonging to `Shintrest’ firm, also
want to see the Prime Minister, since the buildings
are not safe to live in. `We want to hand over a
letter to him. Maybe he will save us from ruins. We
have appealed to many instances, but not one wants to
help us, they just give us sin promises. We hope that
the Prime Minister will hear us and will land a
helping hand’.

In fact, the courtyard of Abovyan Municipality
promises to be crowded. People have come not to get
acquainted with the pre-election program of the
candidate but to raise their problems.

By the way, directors of Abovyan schools have demanded
the teachers to come and be present at the meeting.
Directors of Abovyan hospitals and policlinics are
stricter, than the directors of the schools. They have
demanded the doctors and the nurses to be present at
the candidate’s meeting; otherwise they will be
released from the posts. Moreover, Serge Sargsyan’s
partner Gagik Tsarukyan, is the honorable citizen of
Abovyan town, and he can even compulsively bring
thousands of people in this region.

Our sources from the `Republican Party of Armenia’
mentioned that they already celebrated the victory of
their candidate. They are confirmed that their
candidate will win in the first round. The upcoming
events will show what their confidence depends on.