How Many People Can Fit Into Freedom Square?


2008-02-15 02:21

This time as well, it is tough to imagine pre-election Armenia without
the Freedom Square. In the course of each rally and after it, the size
of the crowd is one of the most discussed matters. The opinions are
almost always different, and there may be alternative figures.

Based on architect Alexander Tamanyan’s project, the Yerevan Theater
Square was supposed to serve as a leisure and promenade zone. In 1988,
it was renamed as Freedom Square, obtaining a political signifiacnce and
becoming te symbol of unity of the Armenian people.

This time as well, it is tough to imagine pre-election Armenia without
the Freedom Square. In the course of each rally and after it, the size
of the crowd is one of the most discussed matters. The opinions are
almost always different, and there may be alternative figures.

Sergey Tonoyan is a future architect – he studies at the Yerevan State
Architecture and Construction University. He has conducted numerous
calculations, stating that the rally size can be defined with the help
of special software.

Sergey takes into account the data worked out by Yerevanproject
institute, calculating the Freedom Square capacity.

`We have separated the whole territory where the citizens can stand
while taking part in a gathering. It is the square in front of the opera
and the neghboring roads. According to our calculations, the whole
surface of that space forms 10.255 square meters. Since 3 or 4 people
can stand on one square meter, the total number of people will form 30
or 40 thousand,’ Sergey presents his calculations.

Based on the picture he got, only the space of the square in front of
the opera is no more than 10 thousand square meters, and about 30
thousand people can get together only in the semi-circle. Also, he does
not exclude that, in case of standing very tightly, that number can
increase. If using the space of the cafes – the former green zone – and
the paths, maximum 60 thousand people will fit into the Freedom Square.
More people will fit in case of walk-rallies.

Sergey makes a comparison with the 1988 rallies, noting that, at that time,

the gathered people were going further, up to the Swan Lake. `I don’t
think that now there will be many people gathering there. It is a
skating rink there. Instead, now we have the Northern Avenue – there may
be such a big gathering that people will get together even there,’ the
future architect states.

He says that it is possible to approximately count the number of people
at any meeting. Here, it is accepted to measure the number with the
naked eye. However, it can never be accurate. Sergey is surprised to
hear that a few thousand people have gathered here. `All the figures
exceeding one hundred thousand are absurd,’ the specialist states.

Sergey notes that more people will fit into the Republic Square and the
space near Matenadaran. However, the Freedom Square is very conventient
with its position for such an event – it does not impede the traffic,
creating a unique atmosphere of unity.

Mane Grigoryan

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