New Passenger Complex To Be Built At Zvartnots Airport


Noyan Tapan
Feb 22, 2008

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 22, NOYAN TAPAN. At the February 22 sitting, the
Armenian government approved the changes to the master plan submitted
by Armenia International Airports CJSC. The changes are related to the
work envisaged by the second stage of the master plan. It was stated
that the allocation of the architectural design task of development
of the project documents on reconstruction of Zvartnots and Shirak
Airports, and the development, testing, coordination and approval
of the project documents are being done in order envisaged by the
Armenian legislation.

The head of the RA Main Department of Civil Aviation Artyom
Movsesian told reporters after the sitting that the passenger traffic
has increased: it made 1 million 400 thousand in 2007, or by 500
thousand more than in the previous year, which was envisaged for
2010 by the manager, so there was a necessity to make changes to the
master plan. In particular, the manager of Zvartnots Airport plans to
start the construction of a new passenger complex this year, on which
about 130 million dollars will be spent. Another 20 million dollars
will be invested in the installation of a fire control system. It
is envisaged to put the complex into operation in 2010. Besides,
parking lots for 800 cars will be built in the area adjacent to the
new complex. The hall for providing services to official delegations
will also be located in the new complex.

A. Movsesian said the new complex will occupy an area of 25 thousand
square meters instead of the current 900 square meters, and there will
be 21 check-in desks instead of the current 42 ones. In his words,
the manager plans to receive returns on his investments starting from
2013 but in case of profitable operation of the airport, it may happen
starting from 2011.

It was announced that investment programs of 12.5 million dollars
have been implemented in Shirak Airport.