Serge Sargsyan: We Can Overcome Any Trial

26.02.2008 18:27

Meeting in support of RA President-elect Serge Sargsayn was held
at the Republican Square of Yerevan today. Addressing the meeting,
RA Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan said, in part:

"Dear compatriots, I welcome all of you and congratulate on the
successful conduct of the presidential elections. I assure we are
surviving historic times. For the first time in the history of
independent Armenia we managed to hold two successive elections and
receive positive assessment in both cases. Today we have a brilliant
opportunity to solve the problems we face, today we have all necessary
bases to look into future with confidence and launch struggle against
all sinful phenomena in the country. Today we are united by both the
joy of victory and the concern about the future of our country.

At this moment, when I’m uttering these words our soldiers are
defending our Motherland, the teachers are educating a generation
in our schools, the doctors are curing the wounds of our brothers
and sisters.

Today we have gatherred to cure another wound, the wound caused by
these elections. We must overcome this trial and must manage to heal
the wound as soon as possible. I’m saying this with pain, because I’m
tired of seeing only wounds on the body of our people, because it’s
time for our country and our people to go forward. I’m saying this
with pain, because some people are unable to fully realize the value
of thisachievement – the value of democracy, the value of formation
of authorities through elections, the vale of the majority’s opinion.

Dear citizens of the Republic of Armenia, I’m grateful to you for
this high trust. I pledge to do my best to justify your faith. I
assure you will not regret for giving your ballot to Serge Sargsyan.

>From this high platform I apply to the former candidates and the
political forces that support them: let’s cooperate. Let’s form a
coalition government. One of my objectives is to use all constructive
forces for the benefit of Armenia’s development."

"For me the victory of all of us is only the start, the start of
forthcoming victories, the victories of our state, new national

It’s with our joint effort that we are turning the history of Armenia
into a history of victories. Our generations will be proud of this

On these pages of our history we are writing together we shall speak
only about victories."

"These elections showed that the time has come for Armenia to go
forward, the time has come to work hard and struggle against the
sinful phenomena that spoil our lives.

I defend the right for freedom of speech. However, freedom of speech
does not mean the freedom of slander and abuse.

I defend the freedom for holding demonstrations. However, the freedom
of demonstrations does not mean the capital must be paralyzed.

I defend the right to complain, but the right to complain does
not mean that other constitutional rights of our citizens must be
violated. It does not mean that the right of the majority to form
power must be violated."

"We are not afraid of strong opposition. On the contrary, we are
confident that in case of existence of a constructive opposition we
shall be able to ensure the progressive development of our country."

The Bible says: "Everything has its time."

Today it’s not the time to play revenge and reprisal. Today it’s time
for peace.

Today it’s not the time to build new watersheds. Today’s it’s time
for unity.

Today it’s time to work.

Today it’s time for new victories.

Today it’s time for dignity and democracy.

Today it’s time to overcome the disagreements.

Today’s its time to say together: "We can overcome any trial and we
shall win."

"We can move forward and we will."

"We can have the Armenia we wish" and I swear we shall have.

Then let’s go forward, forward towards new victories.

Forward Armenia."