Turkish Writer Calling To Armenian Genocide Recognition Stands Trial


06.03.2008 17:43 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On March 6, Turkish writer Temel Demirer will stand
before the Ankara Penal Court N2.

As independent French journalist Jean Eckian told PanARMENIAN.Net,
on January 20, 2007, a day after Hrant Dink’s murder Temel Demirer
read a declaration to the press in Ankara saying that the journalist
was killed only because he was Armenian but also because he dared to
speak about the Armenian Genocide.

Addressing a meeting of protest, Temel Demirer said, "We live in a
country where murders and silence on the truth are associates. Hrant
was assassinated not only because he was Armenian, but because he said
that a genocide took place in this country. If intellectual Turks
do not commit crimes under article 301, they will be also guilty
Hrant’s assassination."

"There was a genocide in our history, it is called the Armenian
Genocide. At the expense of its life, Hrant made it clear to all of us.

"Those which slaughtered Armenians yesterday attack our Kurdish
brothers and sisters today. Those which want fraternity of peoples
need to face this history.

We must prevent crimes, since what happened to the Armenians may
happen to the Kurds. Yes, there was Armenian Genocide in this country.

"We know very well who the perpetrators were! It is not a secret for
us. Neither is it a secret for those who supports article 301. We
cannot keep silent," the declaration says.

This declaration had been signed by more than 45 Turkish personalities
and organizations.