Ministry Of Defense Officially Refutes


Hayots Ashkhar
Published on March 06, 2008

The Ministry of Defense has officially refuted many reports made by
certain foreign Mass Media. It has referred to the report spread by
Azerbaijani Defense Ministry, saying that during the clash between
Azerbaijani and NKR armed forces due to the break of cease fire by
Azerbaijan, in NKR Azerbaijani border zone in Mardakert region on
March 4, 05.00 a.m., due to which allegedly Armenian side had 10
victims and injured.

Press Secretary of the Defense Ministry Colonel Seyran Shahsuvaryan
said, the press service of the Ministry officially reports that, due
to the before mentioned clash NKR defense army has two injured, whereas
one of them – of grievous bodily harm, but his life is out of danger.