Kiro Manoyan: Karabakh Independence Recognition Real Problem

17:08 24/03/2008

"According to the attempts Azerbaijan carries out in these days
we can say that we’re going far from the regulation point, it is
obvious that they changing the format of the negotiations which means
to start everything from zero. In this case I’m not sure that the
negotiations should be held with Armenia but with Nagorno Karabakh,
which will prolong the real regulation," said Kiro Manoyan the ARF
"Armenian Case" office representative.

He said that if Azerbaijan continues its policy, then Armenia has
little to do with it. "The recognition of Nagorno Karabakh independence
is a real problem today," he said.

"It would be much better if the independence of Nagorno
Karabakh Republic is recognized not by Armenia first," said Levo
Melik-Shahnazaryan, a politician.

According to him if the pressure keeps going on, then Armenia should
recognize the independence of NK, and to sign contracts with it.