Private Residential Houses Built In Yerevan Before 2001 To Be Privat


Noyan Tapan
March 27, 2008

YEREVAN, MARCH 27, NOYAN TAPAN. At the March 27 sitting, the Armenian
government approved the bill on status of Yerevan private residential
houses with no extant documents confirming the right. On the same
day the government approved the 2008 complex program on development
of the real estate cadastre financed from the RA state budget.

The chairman of the State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre Manuk
Vardanian told reporters after the sitting that it is envisaged
to allocate 3 bln drams (about 9.6 mln USD) from the state budget
for development of the cadastre. In particular, 606 mln drams of
this sum is envisaged for the registration of georgaphical names,
the conducting of monitoring for creation of a geodetic network,
and for the automation of the cadastre keeping.

According to M. Vardanian, the bill on status of Yerevan private
residential houses with no extant documents confirming the right
envisages that citizens who do not have a document about private
houses built before 2001 may privatize their apartments and adjacent
land plots with an area of up to 300 square meters. 19-20 thousand
citizens have such apartments, while these houses are mainly located
in Sari Tagh, Kond and Charbakh districts. It was mentioned that the
bill does not apply to garages and shops.

As regards apartments built after 2001, M. Vardanian said that they
may be privatized in accordance with the respective law. There are
now 100 thousand unauthorized structures in Yerevan, including 40
thousand garages.