Gyumri Suburb Turns Into Dump


31 March, 2008

Residents of one of Gyumri suburbs, located on 124 Gyumri-Armavir
highway have been protesting against turning their neighborhood into
a dump. Since the fall of 2007 debris and domestic rubbish have been
deposited next to their homes, which led the commoners to controversies
with trash-van drivers.

The district is located on the entrance to the city and may arouse
negative conclusions of the whole city.

Residents of the neighborhood claim they have seen tourists taken
aback when passing by the area. They say residents of neighboring
villages started to consider the site as a dump, throwing rubbish
there on entering or leaving the city.

Faded flower wreaths taken from the nearby cemetery can be seen on
the edge of the road. Trash heaps also attract dogs which became a
threat to local residents.

Press secretary of the City Hall told Tsaig that special areas are
being reserved as dumps. He added that he will inquire the Gyumri
Communal and Environment Department to eliminate rubbish from the
residential area.