Let’s Start From 1918


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
Published on April 11, 2008

Yesterday the Parliament was discussing the daft statement on "Karabakh
Conflict", circulated by Tigran Torosyan.

Vahan Hovhannisyan appeared with a rather interesting proposal:
"Let’s remember how Azerbaijan emerged. It emerged as a multi-national
state, where Armenians shared equal rights with everyone, and if
Armenians have been deprived from these rights it is clear that
Armenian inhabitants in Azerbaijan have the right for territorial
compensation. It is not difficult to confirm it legally, because
the political substantiation exists: before 1928 there has been no
corridor, no separation between Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Region
and Armenia. So if Mr. Aliev wants to start the negotiations from
the beginning then we must start from 1918."