More About Soghomon Tehleryan

22:07 15/04/2008

Today in the frameworks of "Librarian Week" events the presentation of
"Soghomon Tehleryan" book was held in the National Library. The book
covers rich information and notes of Vahan Minakharyan "Soghomon
Tehleryan’s notes" the attack of Thaleat. And some remarks of the
court process. The book was prepared by the director of "Hayagitak"
publication Albert Isoyan and was published by the imitative and
support of the "Soghomon Tehleryan" NGO and "Hayagitak" publication
and national charitable activist Razmik Darbinyan.

"The reader can get multi-sided information about Tehleryan, the
concept of Tehleryan," said the director of the National Library
David Sargsyan.

As the remarks were written in Western Armenian they paraphrased it
into modern Armenian. "Our readers do not know that Tehleryan killed
the national enemy Harutyun Lazarian. Tehleryan is a national hero
who carried on his shoulders all the responsibility of our nation
security," said Albert Isoyan.