Defender Of Homeland Is Ready To Defend


18-04-2008 10:48:30

On April 16 the Defender of Homeland, the youth organization of
the NKR Union of Azatamartiks, held a conference in Martuni. The
representatives of 34 communities of the region participated in
the conference.

During the conference it became known that the most urgent problems
are unemployment, leisure and intervillage communication.

The conference also discussed the recent incidents on the border of
Karabakh and Azerbaijan, as well as the recent developments regarding
the settlement of the Karabakh issue.

The participants of the conference made an appeal to the government
of Azerbaijan and all stakeholders.

The appeal holds that the liberation of Karabakh cost lives of people.

"Upholding the national ideas, we state that at any moment we are
ready to counteract to everyone who will try to break the peace of
our country. We are ready to defend our borders, the only guarantor
of which is the Armenian people and the Army of Defense.

We urge Azerbaijan to take balanced steps for the settlement of the
Karabakh conflict. Otherwise, it will have to deal with a professional
army and a patriotic young generation who are ready to sacrifice
their most precious thing for the security of their people," holds
the appeal.