Edward Nalbandian: The Status Of Nagorno Karabakh Should Be Determin


18.04.2008 14:53

RA Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian declared in an interview with
Mediamax that Armenia will continue to strengthen the special strategic
partnership with the Russian Federation, building upon the traditional
friendly ties between our nations.

"We will pursue the development and enhancement of the
friendly partnership with the United States and an intensified
cooperation. Armenia will continue its consistent effort towards
developing increased ties with the Europe, on the basis of
the commitments undertaken within the framework of cooperation
with the European organizations and the common values, which we
share. Armenia attaches great importance to the relations with
those immediate neighboring states, with which we are engaged in a
friendly cooperation, and is ready to exert every effort to improve
the relations with those of our neighbors with whom problems still
exist," the Minister said.

Speaking about the Karabakh conflict settlement, Minister Nalbandian
noted it remains a priority. "I would like to reiterate Armenia’s
commitment to continue the existing process in order to reach
a solution.

However, our readiness alone is not enough. Azerbaijan’s readiness
is also needed for reaching a settlement.

I would like to believe that, together with my Azerbaijani counterpart,
we will demonstrate due responsibility, put aside the practice of
communicating through the media and declarations, and of giving public
lessons and advise.

It is impossible to call for compromise and, at the same time,
declare that the solution will be in the interest of one party only;
to speak of constructive approach and to make militant statements
and openly prepare for a war. Why would this be done? I cannot think
of any other state which would brag about a several-fold increase in
its military budget," the Minister said.

Edward Nalbandian noted that the key issue of the negotiations is the
status of Nagorno Karabakh and it should be resolved through the peace
process, on the basis of a plebiscite, which will give the people of
Karabakh an opportunity for a free expression of their will. "This
is the essence of the current stage of negotiations. I believe that
there is a window of opportunity today, and a solution can be reached
with a political will."

With regard to our relations with Turkey, the Foreign Minister said on
various occasions, expressed our readiness to normalize them without
any precondition.

"The Genocide is a dark page of our common history and together,
we have to turn this page, and together must we build a secure future.

I want to once more reiterate the readiness of Armenia to develop
relations with Turkey without preconditions and our commitment to
make necessary steps to that end.

Establishment of lasting peace and stability and wider cooperation
in our region will continue to remain among our priorities.

The strategic importance of the South Caucasus is not only in its
geographic location and natural riches, but in its position on an
important North-South and East-West axis, which can only be fully
utilized if conflicts are resolved and good-neighborly relations are
established. This will benefit everyone! The Republic of Armenia will
spare no effort to bring that day closer," Edward Nalbandian concluded.