BAKU: Azeri Leader Slams Armenia’s "Insincerity"


April 18 2008

Horadiz, 18 April: The Azerbaijani army is the best army in the
region in terms equipment and fighting capacity. President Ilham
Aliyev said this on Friday [18 April] addressing refugees in the
village of Horadiz [Fuzuli District] after visiting the front line
and meetings with servicemen.

"We are paying constant attention to the issues of strengthening
the armed forces and [the country’s] military budget for this year
will total 2bn dollars. We should obtain liberation of the occupied
territories and our army will do it," Aliyev said.

He condemned the world community for indifference to the occupation of
Azerbaijani lands. "They call us to peace talks and compromises. As
if Armenia occupied our lands in a peaceful way. What a compromise
they talk about? There will be no compromises concerning the issue of
territorial integrity. A day will come and all the occupied territories
will be liberated," Aliyev said.

Then he accused Armenia of being "insincere" and artificially
dragging out the negotiations. "In words they agreed to withdraw
from five districts, and later on from the two other districts around
Karabakh. But in deeds they are populating Lacin [District connecting
Nagornyy Karabakh with Armenia]. That shows insincerity of Armenians
who do not implement agreements that were reached," Aliyev said.

Then he accused the world community of [using] double standards
that manifests itself in "tolerant" attitude to negative events in
Armenia. When something happens in Azerbaijan, everyone reacts to this,
Aliyev said with dissatisfaction.

He also touched on geopolitical issues, saying that [super] powers
were struggling for influence in the region. And certain pressure is
being exerted on countries [in the region]. "We are an independent
state and will not yield to pressure," Aliyev said.