Waitress Is A Political Prisoner


22 April, 2008

"Anush Ghavalian suffers political persecution. We demand that she is
immediately released", declared MP Zaruhi Postanjian, RA citizen Lala
Aslikian, Chairwoman of "Zartonk-89" NGO Silva Vardanian, Chairwoman of
"The Advocates for Human Rights" NGO Seda Melikian and others.

Anush Ghavalian, a waitress in the cafe "Pizza di Roma", is a widow
and mother of 2 under-age children.

She has been detained since March 21 under Article 205 /evasion
of taxes, duties and other mandatory payments/. The case is under
preliminary investigation.

"There is no evidence that Anush Ghavalian committed a crime. She is a
waitress and cannot be accused of a crime committed by an official. She
works in a cafe belonging to Khachatur Sukiassian who is presently
under persecution. The interrogator simply wants Anush Gevorgian to
give testimony on Khachtur Sukiassian, guaranteeing her release in
return", the announcement says.