Minister Nalbandian meetings in Paris

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Minister Nalbandian meetings in Paris

On April 22, Minister Nalbandian held a number of meetings with
Representatives of French Government in Paris.

During his meeting with Jean-David Levitte, the chief diplomatic adviser of
the French President, Minister Nalbandian presented the programs of the new
Armenian government in foreign and domestic areas. Minister touched upon the
approaches of Armenia on several issues of mutual interest and regional

The same day, Minister Nalbandian discussed the Nagorno Karabakh peace
process with the French Co-chair in OSCE Minsk Group Bernard Fassier.

Head of Armenian Foreign Ministry met also Andre Santini, the State
Secretary of the Public Service of France. The two discussed possible ways
to broaden the French- Armenian intergovernmental cooperation and to create
tighter links with the Governmental Agencies of the two countries.

On April 23, Minister Nalbandian will meet and Patrick Devedjian, the
Secretary General of the ruling political party- Union for the Popular

During the discussions French officials highly appreciated the dynamically
developing relations between France and Armenia. They expressed confidence
in continuation and strengthening of effective cooperation.

On the same day Minister Nalbandian met UNESCO Director General Koichiro
Matsuura. UNESCO. Mr. Matsuura congratulated Edward Nalbandian on his
appointment and expressed the hope that the close contacts and cooperation
will be continued.

During the meeting the two discussed the Programming Document of Cooperation
between Armenia and UNESCO for the years 2008-2009.

Minister Nalbandian drew the attention of Director General Matsuura to the
UNESCO’s role in protection of the Armenian historical heritage outside
Armenia, expressing concern over the fact of the deliberate destruction of
the Armenian Crossstones in Azerbaijan and called to take measures against
the cultural terror of the Armenian monuments in Jugha and condemn those

At the end of the meeting UNESCO’s Director General asked Minister
Nalbandian to convey his congratulations and regards to the Armenian

Minister Nalbandian had also a meeting with Abdou Diouf, the Secretary
General of International Organization of Francophony.

Abdou Diouf congratulated Minister Nalbandian on his appointment and
expressed his appreciation of the cooperation with Armenia in the framework
of Francophony, emphasizing the personal input of Minister Nalbandian as the
personal representative of Armenian President in the Permanent Council

Minister Nalbandian, in his turn, expressed intention of Armenia to deepen
its involvement in the organization. In this context the two exchanged views
on the further cooperation and Armenia’s participation in the Francophone
Summit in Quebec later this year.

Abdou Diouf asked Minister Nalbandian to convey his warm congratulations and
regards to the President of the Republic of Armenia.