My Name Is Struggle, And My End Is Victory


24.04.2008 15:06

Yerevan (Yerkir) – Thousands of young people from Armenia and Diaspora
joined in the torch march, held for the ninth time that began at
20:00 on 23 April in Freedom Square. The march was organized by
the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Youth Organization and Nikol
Aghbalian Student Union.

"Dear youth, the memory of our forefathers will always remain in
our hearts," a statement by those organizations said. "Our name is
struggle until Turkey recognizes the Armenian Genocide. Our name is
struggle until a fair reparation and return of our homeland."

"I believe we will see our lands returned," said Karo Khorozian,
a member of the project called "To Homeland."

Hrayr Karapetyan, the secretary of the ARF faction in parliament,
addressed those present: "Everyone around the globe pay respects
those days to the memory of the 1915 Genocide victims. Not Armenians
are paying respects but also the entire progressive and civilized
humankind is with us and stands up for the memory of our martyred
people because the civilized world came to realize that this great
crime had its followers. There were Hitlers, there were people who
continued the policies of Taleats, Envers.

"All those governments who speak of human rights and liberties
should first of all recognize this crime, the Genocide because this
is the gravest violation of human rights and liberties, especially
that Turkey has not changed and that people are harassed in today’s
Turkey, people like Hrant Dink. As we were united twenty years ago
and were able to return Artsakh, we will bring back out united Armenia
tomorrow with the help of our unity. Long live free, independent and
united Armenia." he added.

After praying, the participants of the march started to walk to
Tsitsernakaberd hill. A cross and the Armenian tricolor led the

Young people held up the flags of the countries that have recognized
the Armenian Genocide.