BAKU: Khazar Ibrahim: "I Hope Mr.Nalbadyan’s Next Announcements Will


Today.Az, Azerbaijan
May 1 2008

"The announcement of newly appointed foreign Minister of Armenia
Edward Nalbandyan evidences that he has not yet studied carefully
the details of the negotiation process on the resolution of the
Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno Karabakh.

The due announcement was made by spokesman for Azerbaijani Foreign
Minister Khazar Ibrahim commenting on the announcement of Foreign
Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandyan that the document on the
resolution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict envisions a plebiscite on
the definition of the status of Nagorno Karabakh.

"In particulat, he uses the phrase "Karabakh people". But there is
no such people. There are citizens of Azerbaijan of Armenian origin,
who live in the occupied lands of our country.

The unawareness of the Armenian Foreign Minister about the details of
the negotiation process on the resolution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani
conflict over Nagorno Karabakh is also proven by his erroneous
discourse about a certain document on the resolution of the
Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.

I would like to inform Nalbandyan that there is a difference between
the document and proposals. The negotiation table currently contains
proposals, but documents of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, which
are discussed by the leaderships of Azerbaijan and Armenia.

The document is, for example, the recent resolution of the UN General
Assembly, which recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
and demands the immediate withdrawal of Armenian armed troops from
the Azerbaijani lands, occupied by Armenia", the spokesman for the
Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said.

"As for the plebiscite on the definition of the status of Nagorno
Karabakh, which is, supposedly, a basis for the negotiation process,
this is just an attempt to set the desired for reality, which disloses
the unawareness of the Armenian Foreign Minister on this issue

The basis for negotiation process on the resolution of Nagorno Karabakh
conflict is a withdrawal of all Armenian armed troops from all the
Azerbaijani lands occupied by Armenia and return of Azerbaijani IDPs
to their homes.

The next stage of the negotiation process is definition of the status
of Nagorno Karabakh within Azerbaijan. This is the reality and I do
hope that Mr.Nalbandyan’s next announcements will be more prepared,
substantiated and based on reality not on fantasies", said Ibrahim.