Artsakh’s Envoy Calls FOR Armenian Genocide Recognition


01-05-2008 10:22:57

Urges Greater U.S. Political and Economic Support to Artsakh

Washington, DC – NKR Representative to the United States Vardan
Barseghian spoke at the annual Armenian Genocide Observance on
Capitol Hill that also featured U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
(D-CA), Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), Senator Bob Menendez
(D-NJ) and other members of Congress.

The event was organized by the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues,
co-chaired by Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Joe Knollenberg (R-MI),
in cooperation with the Armenian Embassy in Washington and leading
Armenian-American organizations. Armenian Ambassador Tatoul Markarian,
Prelate Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, and
Dr. Gregory Stanton, President of the International Association of
Genocide Scholars also spoke to the audience that included Armenian
Genocide survivors, human rights activists, and members of the
Armenian community.

In his remarks, Representative Barseghian called upon the United
States to recognize the Armenian Genocide saying that it would "send
a powerful warning signal to those who plan new ethnic cleansing
campaigns that the truth will prevail, that criminal actions will be
named for what they are and that the perpetrators will be condemned
and will bear responsibility."

Tying past crimes against humanity to today’s situation, Barseghian
said that the Nagorno Karabakh problem is a direct result of the
Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923.

"Weakened by mass killings, deportations and widespread devastation
inflicted by the Ottoman Turks, Armenia was not able to hold on
to its historic province of Artsakh and eventually gave in to the
Soviet pressure to include it within administrative borders of Soviet
Azerbaijan. And the consequences of the Armenian Genocide, including
that particular decision by the Bolsheviks, continue affecting our
lives today, over 90 years later", the Artsakh representative said.

Stressing that the risk of genocide still exists, Barseghian said
that "Azerbaijan continues to threaten Nagorno Karabakh with a new
war because we insist on our right to live in freedom."

"Nagorno Karabakh will continue reinforcing its defense capabilities
to be up to the task, but we would like to see our friends on Capitol
Hill and those who want to see a stable and peaceful South Caucasus
to send a clear signal to Azerbaijan that a new war would not be
tolerated," he said.

On behalf of the NKR Government, Barseghian thanked Representatives
Pallone and Knollenberg and other congressional leaders for their
steadfast support on issues related to Artsakh’s security, freedom,
and economic development.

He urged greater U.S. political and economic support.

"We hope that the U.S. Congress will continue its leading role in
charting a new format for relations with Nagorno Karabakh that looks
beyond conflict resolution to collaboration on issues of security,
democracy and economic development."

Concluding his remarks said Barseghian said that leaders on Capitol
Hill acknowledge that in "parallel to our common efforts to make
this world genocide-free, we also need to deal with consequences
of past crimes and to support those who still struggle for freedom
and justice."

The full text of Rep. Barseghian’s remarks is provided below. You can
also view it online at: