Russia new missile base response to US

May 3 2008

Russia new missile base response to US
Sat, 03 May 2008 20:40:08

Russia begins the construction of a new missile base in the Southern
Caucus region amid a row with the US over its missile shield.

Citing informed Georgian sources, the Azeri newspaper Ayna reported
that Russia has started the construction work near the Armenian city
of Noyemberyan.

The report added the base is located in a place overlooking Sadighlu
village near the Georgian town of Marneuli and it would reportedly be
equipped with advanced air defense and missile systems.

The move by Moscow is considered as a response to Washington’s plans
for stationing the components of a missile defense shield system in
Eastern Europe.

Russia says the US plan poses a threat to its national security and it
has vowed to take retaliatory measures against the United States if
Washington goes ahead with the project.