Hot Line of Legal Initiative Program Continues Operating


YEREVAN, MAY 8, NOYAN TAPAN. The Institute of Civil Society, the
Armenian Committee of Helsinki Civil Assembly, and the Free Chair of
Civil Initiatives implemented the Legal Initiative program during the
RA presidential elections. As Gayane Markosian, a member of the
initiative, said at the May 7 press conference, the program was to have
finished on March 1, but it was delayed until late May due to the
well-known events. In her words, the 080-080-804 hot line continues
operating within the framework of the program.

Lawyer Ani Nersisian said that after the March 1 events they receive up
to 10 telephone calls daily, part of which regard cases of illegal
arrests. According to the program’s initiators, legal security and
protection of citizens in Armenia should be done permanently. They said
that in most cases citizens prefer rather obeying than protecting their
rights. According to the initiative’s members, in that respect also
there is a need to continue the program.

It was also mentioned that during the presidential elections the hot
line received 475 calls on technical details of elections turnout, as
well as on the violations having impact on the voting process and the
total normal electoral process.