Examination on Case Against Vardan Jhangirian Scheduled for May 19


YEREVAN, MAY 8, NOYAN TAPAN. Yerevan Criminal Court, presided over by
judge Vazgen Rshtuni, under the May 7 judgement sentenced Armen
Movsisian accused of mass disorders to 3.5 years’ suspended
imprisonment with 3 years’ probation term. Noyan Tapan correspondent
was informed about it by Alina Yengoyan, the Spokesperson of the RA
Cassation Court. The examination of the case was held by a speeded-up

In the same court, presided over by judge Mnatsakan Martirosian, the
court sitting against Karen Tarkhanian with the accusation of mass
disorders did not take place due to the laywer’s illness, the court
sitting was postponed until May 21. According to Noyan Tapan
correspondent’s information, in Yerevan Criminal Court, presided over
by judge Mnatsakan Martirosian, examination on the case against Vardan
Jhangirian accused of using violence to a power representative
dangerous for his life or health is scheduled for May 19: the latter is
the brother of Gagik Jhangirian, the former RA Deputy Prosecutor
General accused on another case.

The court sittings on cases against Misak Hovakimian and Soghomon
Yeritsian accused of using power to a power representative not
dangerous for his health or life did not take place in the general
jurisdiction court of Yerevan Kentron and Nork-Marash communities due
to the absence of the prosecutor and the lawyer, respectively.