Serge Sargsian: May 9 Has Become Double Symbol For Us


YEREVAN, MAY 10, NOYAN TAPAN. The Armenian president Serge Sargsian
sent a congratulatory message to the war veterans on the occasion of
Victory and Peace Day. The message, which was submitted to NT by the RA
president’s press service, reads:

"Dear veterans,

Dear compatriots,

I congratulate you on Victory and Peace Day.

The victorious end of the Great Patriotic war was an event of
exceptional importance in the life of our people as well. The Armenians
played a considerable role in this victory by their involvement in the
armies of the allies, in the resistance movements and especially in the
Soviet army. The peace was achieved at the cost of enormous sacrifices
and opened new prospects for our people not only to heal the wounds but
also to develop our country. Today’s Armenia is the continuation of the
republic which was rescued and prospered thanks to the feats of those
who achieved this victory.

Since 1992, May 9 has become a double symbol for us. By liberating
Shoushi, the new generation proved that it is a worthy successor of the
heroic past of its ancestors. Shoushi has become a symbol of Armenians’
love of freedom, inflexible will-power and their ability to overcome
ordeals with honor.

On this holiday we remember with pride all those who died for
Fatherland. The memory of our heroes will live on.

Congratulating you on the occasion of this double holiday, I wish all
of us a peaceful sky and deeds worthy of our historical victories".