People Are Compelled To Hunger Strike


[07:55 pm] 15 May, 2008

Today at 17.30 member of the "New Times" Party Hrachya Sargssian
went on a hunger-strike at the Prosecutor’s Office. He demands that
Chairman of the "New Times" Party Aram Karapetian be released and
his case be annulled.

Hrachya Sargssian decided to take extreme measures when he learnt
that the Chairman was in a dreadful health state. "The authorities
compel me to a hunger-strike. They are trying to prolong the detention
term putting Karapetian’s life at stake. As it turns out it has been
useless to convince the authorities that an innocent, decent person,
a political leader and a Doctor of Science mustn’t be kept under
arrest for his political views", complains Hrachya Sargssian.

While Sargssian arranged to inform the Prosecutor about his
hunger-strike in writing, a group of women staged a protest action
in defense of Aram Karapetian.

Today Hrant Khachatrian, Chairman of the "Constitutional Rights Union"
was also at the Prosecutor’s Office with the same demand.

"Aram Karapetian was detained even before March 1. As far as I know
they have not even started the investigation process. The authorities
do their best to keep intelligent people in isolation. It is quite
obvious that Aram Karapetian is a political prisoner."