Task To Quicken Pace Of NKR Kashatag Region’s Settlement Been Set


DeFacto Agency
May 15 2008

YEREVAN, 15.05.08. DE FACTO. The Nagorno-Karabakh PM Ara Harutyunian
presented Vahram Baghdasarian and Kamo Martirosian, newly appointed
heads of the Askeran and Kashatag regions, to the regional councils
and heads of communities.

Speaking of the tasks Vahram Baghdasarian, Askeran region’s new
head, Republic’s former Minister of Agriculture, faced the NKR PM
noted, "a precise task to give new impetus and scope to the regional
administration’s activity has been set". According to the PM, the goal
"will become reality due to the new head, who has vast experience,
is young and vigorous". Ara Harutyunian also answered the questions
of the regional communities’ heads mainly referring to rendering
state assistance to agricultural works, as well as to the course of
construction being held in the region.

While presenting Kamo Martirosian, a new head of the Kashatag region’s
administration, former head of the Nagorno-Karabakh Department for
Migration, Refugees and Settlement, Ara Harutyunian noted cadre
changes were conditioned by increasing of the state’s attention to
the above-mentioned region, which faced serious problems. In part,
he underscored the necessity of quickening pace of the important
region’s settlement. "Possibilities should be created for the people
to live in favorable conditions here", Ara Harutyunian underscored.

The PM also said he would visit the region’s villages in the near
future to immediately familiarize himself with the people’s problems
and consider their proposals.