Government To Work Out Complex Program On Transport Problems In Yere


Noyan Tapan

Ma y 21, 2008

YEREVAN, MAY 21, NOYAN TAPAN. Traffic problems in Yerevan make citizens
nervous and cause serious economic damage to the state, the prime
minister Tigran Sargsian said when responding to questions in the
parliament on May 21. According to him, the situation is worrying
and requires urgent solutions.

With this aim all the responsible departments were given instructions
to develop proposals, based on which a complex program will be worked
out. The government will receive the World Bank’s technical assistance
for traffic organization. As regards problems with organization
of police work, the prime minister said that the use of modern
technologies will allow to make traffic in Yerevan more transparent
and controllable.

In the words of T. Sargsian, one of the government’s priorities
is proportional territorial development. Despite the fact that one
third of the country’s population lives in Yerevan, 90% of the trade
turnover and two thirds of economic activity are concentrated in the
capital city. This excessive concentration has created problems both
for Armenia and Yerevan.

Numerous functions have been centralized in Yerevan, and part of
these functions should be transferred to marzes (provinces).

The prime minister said that the government will implement programs
in this direction as well. In particular, outgoing sessions of
the government will be held, during which measures on development
of marzes and "unloading" of Yerevan will be discussed with local
authorities. Adoption of a law on Yerevan and a legislative package
on improving the activities of local government bodies will also help
with solution of the indicated problems.