Deputy Chairman Of RA NSS Chief Administration: Corruption Phenomena


2008-06-09 16:50:00

ArmInfo. Corruption phenomena exist in the governmental bodies, which
from Armenia’s budget, as well as in the bodies, authorized to carry
out inspections, deputy Head of RA NSS Chief Administration Tigran
Aghajanyan said at session of representatives of the law machinery
of the republic’s northern regions, held in Vanadzor yesterday and
dedicated to the problems of corruption-fight.

In particular, he marked the Tax and Customs Services, the
State Committee of Cadastre and Real Estate, some departments
of the ministries of finance, trade and economic development,
ecology, territorial administration, healthcare, town planning,
labour and social affairs and agriculture. As T. Aghajanyan
said, Ta and Customs Services, the activity of which is directly
connected with budget-formation, are marked out among the listed
administrations. Omissions in the legislation are a promoting factor
of corruption and they are an obstacle in revelation and prevention
of this kind of crimes.

T. Aghajanyan also said that, according to the data of the analysis,
performed by the international organizations, the size of corruption
in the countries of transient period, to which Armenia belongs,
makes up 5% of GDP.

"By the official data, Armenia’s GDP in 2007 made up $9 bln,
5% of which makes up $450 mln. In a country with a budget of $2
bln, such level of corruption is just unacceptable, based on the
elementary principles of economy", Aghajanyan said and added that
such volume of corruption may be assessed as a direct threat and a
stable factor, which hinders real formation of finds, their optimal
distribution for fulfillment of the governmental programmes. Thus,
the corruption phenomena available in the area of economy management
does not contribute to formation of a real budget and indicates
availability of a considerable shadow economy, T. Aghajanyan said. At
the same time, he said that a damage of $2 mln, caused to the state,
was recovered in 2007, within the frames of one criminal case on the
fact of contraband. T. Aghajanyan made some more examples of illegal
activity carried out "under assistance" of customs agencies.