NATO-Armenia Cooperation Not Directed Against Russia – Official


Interfax News Agency
June 27 2008

NATO’s cooperation with Armenia should not arouse concerns in Russia,
NATO Assistant Secretary General for public diplomacy Jan Francois
Bureau said in Yerevan on Friday.

"NATO’s cooperation with Armenia should not trouble Russia. It is
not directed against Russia. NATO never interferes in the relations
of its member-states or countries aspiring to join it," he said.

"We only support cooperation between them and now we are even helping
Georgia improve relations with Russia," he said.

Bureau said that the alliance will be developing relations with
Armenia irrespective of the republic’s relations with other countries.

He said the cooperation between Armenia and NATO was aimed at
upgrading the army, conducting peacekeeping missions and implementing
environmental protection programs.

"The main task of NATO is to strengthen stability. I hope that the
peaceful settlement of conflicts in the region will become possible in
the near future, after which a dialogue between countries of the South
Caucasus can begin. Conflicts can be settled only through cooperation,"
he said.

NATO cannot welcome the resumption of violence in the region,
Bureau said.