Armenia Hopes For Czech Help In Euro-Integration


RIA Oreanda
Economic News
July 8, 2008 Tuesday

Yerevan. ">OREANDA-NEWS . July 8, 2008. RA Prime Minister Tigran
Sargsyan received Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
Karel Schwarzenberg. Underscoring the need for developing multifaceted
bilateral relationship with the Czech Republic, the RA Prime Minister
noted that Armenia follows closely the reforms carried out in this
country as they may be instructive to us. Tigran Sargsyan advised
that our country expected the Czech Republic to assist Armenia in
a number of areas relevant to euro-integration. In this respect,
the following areas were singled out by the head of the Armenian
government: capacity building for public servants, transfer of reform
know-how and expertise, organization of euro-integration-related
courses for public servants from Armenia.

Tigran Sargsyan and Karel Schwarzenberg pointed out the necessity
of expanding economic cooperation. The RA Prime Minister especially
stressed the importance of stimulating private investment by organizing
business forums and activating contacts between the two countries’
business circles. During the meeting, the head of government imparted
Armenia’s interest in developing the cooperation with the Czech
Republic in the defense sector as well.

Both sides have emphasized the need for closer interaction in the
frameworks of international organizations.