Armenian-Russian Relations Have Bright Future


July 21

RA President Serge Sargsyan is sure of a bright future of
Armenian-Russian relations.

"We have a very good common past, present, and I am sure of a bright
future of our relations," S. Sargsyan told a press conference.

According to him, Armenian-Russian relations are as good as relations
between two countries can be. The President pointed out that some
opponents speaking of problems certainly have the best motives.

S. Sargsyan pointed out statements on a low level of economic

However, the 30-40 per cent increase in bilateral trade is the best
evidence of the bilateral economic ties.

The RA Statistical Service reports that Armenian-Russian trade turnover
had totaled $291.6mln by end of May 2008 (exports totaled $79.7mln,
and imports $211.9mln in January-May 2008).

In January-May 2008, Russia’s share reached 14.7% of Armenia’s total
foreign trade turnover, which remains the highest indicator as compared
with other countries among Armenia’s trade partners.

"We have similar stands on many issues, which simplifies out
cooperation within international organizations," S. Sargsyan said.

The RA President expressed the confidence that RF President
Dmitry Medvedev’s planned visit to Armenia will contribute to the
consolidation of bilateral relations.