Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Donates Computer Classroom To Lousahovit


Noyan Tapan

Au g 6, 2008

IJEVAN, AUGUST 6, NOYAN TAPAN. Hayastan All-Armanian Fund continues
its minor programs in border villages of Armenia and Artsakh. Thanks
to such a program implemented recently, Lousahovit community’s school,
Tavush region, was provided with a computer classroom. In addition
to computers and printers, the village school also received a TV
set and a digital video-player. The program was implemented due to
the U.S. Eastern Coast Committee of the Fund under the patronage of
American-Armenian benefactors Arthur and Loucrecia Yaghjians.

As Noyan Tapan was informed by the Public Relations Department of
Hayastan Fund, the purpose of the minor programs of the Fund is to
provide rapid and efficient solutions to any problem existing in
border villages, as well as to support their residents, proving once
again that there are people who wish to make their lives better.

Lousahovit village has 350 inhabitants and is located near
Armenian-Azerbaijani border. Up to now the village school did not
have computers and the teacher had to teach how to use a computer by
means of a blackboard.

Thanks to the TV set, the digital video-player and numerous practice
tapes provided to the library, henceforth lessons will be more
lively. Besides, the library will turn into an environment that pupils
will visit both for learning and mixing with each other.
