Baku Still Spinning Stories About Nagorny Karabakh Republic


2008-08-06 16:20:00

ArmInfo. ‘Azerbaijani authorities keep spinning stories connected with
Nagorny Karabakh Republic and believe in their own stories. One of such
thin stories was created in response to declaration of NKR. Thus, NKR
capital Stepanakert was renamed into . It has changed nothing, indeed,
for the world knows it as Stepanakert’, Varges Hovyan, Head of the
NKR Government Department for Information and Public Relations, told
media in Stepanakert when commenting on the information disseminated
by Azerbaijani media entitled ‘Azerbaijan has founded new capital of
Nagorny Karabakh’.

‘Now they in Baku invented a new amusement. They have drawn up a map,
changed the borders of Nagorny Karabakh and founded a new capital
Nargiztepe. They even began gathering "refugees" to settle the
future capital city. All this is like the New-Vasuki established by
Ostap Bender’, he said. In response they in Karabakh might ‘found’
a settlement for 400,000 Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan not far
from Baku and call it, for instance, Artsakhakert, he said. ‘One can
joke as much as he wants to but the mess created by Azerbaijan is
not only another misinformation but also another evidence of their
intention to liquidate this Armenian region. They have done that
on paper so far. However, NKR people will never allow Azerbaijan
to reinforce its plans based on slander and misinformation. Two
bellicose nations cannot live together in the same state. Neither
Azerbaijanis nor 400,000 Armenian refugees can hope for return. At
best, Azerbaijanis may visit NKR as tourists’, V. Hovyan said.