BAKU: If there’s threat of armed conflict to NK, ROA will sign alian

Today.Az, Azerbaijan
Aug 23 2008

Armenian expert Gagik Arutyunyan: "If there is a threat of armed
conflict to Nagorno Karabakh, Armenia will immediately sign a treaty
of alliance"

23 August 2008 [12:24] – Today.Az

The legal recognition of Nagorno Karabakh’s independence by Armenia is
possible any time and if it does not occur, there are probably
definite grounds, said head of the Noravank scientific research center
Gagik Arutyunyan.

"If I am not mistaken, the Armenian President said that in case there
is a threat of armed conflict to Nagorno Karabakh, we will immediately
sign the due treaty of alliance on the same day. I think, it is
currently not suitable for Armenia to recognize Nagorno Karabakh’s
independence", noted he.

The expert considers that the legal recognition of Nagorno Karabakh or
signing any treaty by Armenia in the negotiation process will not be
effective, as "we are de-facto united". He said on the current stage
Armenia’s recognition of Nagorno Karabakh’s independence will be
purely declarative. "This is rather a show than a serious political
step", announced Arutyunyan.

As regards the possible recognition of independence of Abkhazia and
South Ossetia by Armenia, the expert noted that it is necessary to pay
attention to the conduct of the world community and not to be
"pioneers" in this case.

"Russia will be the first to recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia, but
the recognognition is not likely to be of global scale, like it was in
case of Kosovo. Yet, naturally, there will be other countries,
alongside with Russia, which will recognize their independence", noted

The expert also announced that the self-declared "Nagorno Karabakh
Republic" takes a balanced position in the relations with Abkhazia and
South Ossetia and it did not sign any binding documents and the recent
developments proved the correctness of such a position.

"Imagine that Nagorno Karabakh, like Abkhazia, was obliged to conduct
certain military actions or fulfill military commitments", noted the

As for the prospects of further relations between Nagorno Karabakh and
Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the expert said that it is early to
establish closer formal and legal relations. "It can be discussed
after independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia is recognized", noted

"Abkhazia and South Ossetia will certainly maintain ties with
unrecognized Nagorno Karabakh, as it meets their interests: ""Nagorno
Karabakh Republic" has always… provided its assistance when
possible. I hope that this cooperation will continue developing",
concluded the political scientist.
