Sargsyan: Military Bases A Symbol of Efficient Coop, not hegemony

President of Armenia: Nowadays military bases are a symbol of efficient
cooperation and not hegemony

2008-08-23 21:17:00

ArmInfo. Like any other state, Armenia benefits from efficient
sovereignty, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said in his interview
with the Austrian newspaper "Der Standard" when replying to a question
that a Russian base is dislocated in Armenia and whether Armenia
benefits from Russian hegemony in the South Caucasus.

"Nowadays sovereignty includes also participation in efficient
international and regional security systems", the president noted. He
recalled that in this respect Armenia took a decision on membership in
the CSTO. "The fundamental document of this organization stipulates
that aggression against one of the CSTO member countries is aggression
against all CSTO member countries. I think that nowadays military bases
are a symbol of efficient cooperation and not hegemony", Sargsyan
pointed out.