American Learn Playing Armenian Duduk


[01:50 pm] 26 August, 2008

37-year-old musician John is known in the world as JHNO-the inventor of
electronic music. He has been in Armenia since March of 2008. During
an interview with A1+ he said he had come to learn playing duduk
(Armenian national pipe).

"I first heard the tones of duduk in Martin Scorsese’s film "Passion
of the Christ" which immediately appealed to me," tells the musician.

Although the music is performed by Armenian duduk-player Vache
Hovsepian John wasn’t keen on Armenian duduks at first.

"I bought a duduk from an organisation importing duduks from every
corner of the world. But it was not an Armenian duduk, it was a
Turkish one."

At first the musician couldn’t play the instrument. As he says
it is rather difficult to master the skills. "Duduk is a unique
instrument. Though in comparison with a piano duduk is very small and
has only a few holes it makes wonderful sounds", says the American
musician who has played the piano since the age of 4.

Then he moved to France and bought an Armenian duduk from an Armenian
prominent duduk-player Ara Papikian. "He gave me lessons and taught me
to breathe correctly using lungs and stomach. But even after taking
lessons from a professional the American was unable to "subdue"
the instrument.

"I finally realized that I must get acquainted with the homeland
of duduk and breathe Armenian air and drink Armenian water to play
the instrument.

Durink his visit to Armenia John went to Yerevan, Etchmiadzin,
Dilijan, Vanadzor and Teghut. He says he is warmly welcomed
everywhere. Armenians get surprised seeing a foreigner playing "Dle
jaman" so well.