September 5 Rally Will Be A Response"


[05:30 pm] 26 August, 2008

"The recent events and ongoing violations in Northern Avenue testify to
the deplorable level of the Armenian authorities’ mental abilities. For
already two days the police crack down on the participants of the
sit-down protest in North Avenue," says Levon Zurabian, member of
the Centre for Armenian Pan-National Movement.

In the passing two days the police tore the strikers’ posters taking
along the desks of enrollment for the Armenian Pan-National Congress
and collection of signatures for bringing Robert Kocharian before the
court of the Hague. They urged the presentees to continue the action
without posters and stands.

"The authorities fear the unprecedented momentum of the Pan-National
Movement, enrollment for Congress and signature collection. They
also fear the upcoming September 5 Pan-Armenian rally and the wave
of complaint throughout the country," Levon Zurabian said during an
August 26 meeting with journalists.

Zurabian thinks the authorities’ employ force in reply to ideas. "Is
their anything more disgraceful than a struggle against posters by
brute force?"

"Suffering a moral and political defeat the authorities try to shift
the struggle onto the force field," he says.

Zurabian calls for restraint and consolidation.

"The best response of Armenian citizens’ to this totalitarian regime
will be their active participation in the September 5 rally. The
dictatorial pyramid already reaching its climax will surely collapse
one day crowning our citizens with glorious victory. The large-scale
rally will simply bring us closer to that blissful moment," he

Note, yesterday Yerevan City Hall turned down the notifications for
the September 5 rally and march.