Tigran Sargsian: We Should Unite In Emergency Situations


Noyan Tapan

Au g 28, 2008

YEREVAN, AUGUST 28, NOYAN TAPAN. The railway bypassing the bridge
blasted in the Georgian town of Gori is already functioning, with
large amounts of goods being imported into Armenia, thanks to which
the tension of recent days will considerably decrease, the RA prime
minister Tigran Sargsian stated at the August 28 sitting of the

He thanked the representatives of the private sector and the mass
media that have closely cooperated with the government in the
past three weeks and, as he put it, have displayed a highly civil
behavior. However, according to T. Sargsian, during this period some
mass media outlets, including foreign ones, tried to prove that there
are serious problems in Armenia, shocks are expected, prices will go
up, etc. The prime minister called these actions a provocation.

"Unfortunately, in this sutuation our opponenets also tried to get
political dividends by making comparisons with the past, saying that
the price of a liter of gasoline has increased to 1,000 drams and
the government is unable to govern in this situation," T. Sargsian
said. He considered this posture of the opposition as quite dangerous
for society. In his words, "the world is rapidly changing, serous
challenges are awaiting us, so Armenia’s political posture is important
and we should draw correct lessons from the existing situation."

According to the prime minister, although there have been military
operations for the past 3 weeks in neighboring Georgia, through whose
territory 70% of Armenia’s foreign trade is conducted, our society
has not experienced shocks and has ensured stability.
