ANKARA: Bahceli: Visit To Armenia Will Be A Historic Mistake


Sept 2 2008

Ankara: In a written statement, MHP [Nationalist Action Party] leader
Devlet Bahceli has said: It has been understood that the preparations
that are being made for President [Abdullah] Gul’s visit to Yereven
to watch a football match are now at an advanced stage. Stressing
that the statements Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has made to
the press on behalf of President Gul confirmed that, Bahceli noted,
"Armenia’s policy, which is based on animosity against Turkey, is
the most important obstacle against the normalization of relations
between the two countries."

Bahceli said that Armenia had not changed. He noted that it was
keeping up a shameless campaign through unfounded claims about an
act of genocide against the Armenians to tarnish Turkey’s history
and the Turkish nation in the world. He asserted that Armenia wanted
to accuse Turkey of committing a very serious crime against humanity
and said that it had intensified its policy. Stressing that Armenia
did not recognize Turkey’s territorial integrity and borders, and it
continued to demand a part of Turkey’s territory in accordance with
its Constitution and Declaration of Independence, Bahceli asserted,
"Armenia’s links with the PKK [Kurdistan Workers’ Party] and its
support for terrorism are common knowledge. We may recall that even
the newspapers published the reports that placed Armenia at the top of
the list of the countries that are prepared to give political asylum
to the so-called leading members of the terrorist organization in
northern Iraq.

Meanwhile, Armenia maintains its military occupation of one-quarter of
Azerbaijan’s territory. Considering all that, no political, ethical,
legitimate or logical reason can be given to explain why Turkey is
running after Armenia to ask for normalization of relations between
the two countries. A humiliating situation exists. Bowing to foreign
pressure and impositions, and complying with Yerevan’s lobbies in the
country to implement the visit will be a historic mistake. Armenia
appears to agree verbally to the establishment of a "Committee on
Common History". Using that as an ostentatious political excuse for
President Gul’s visit or seeking a bargain or reason for it will not
add to Turkey’s esteem. The esteemed president represents the Republic
of Turkey. He swore upon his honour before the Turkish nation and
history to safeguard the republic’s glory and dignity. Under the
existing conditions, his visit to Yerevan will conflict with the
requirements of his high office and national responsibilities. At
this stage, we wish to continue to hope that the president will not
decide to act in a way which will harm Turkey’s honour and dignity."